Thursday, April 29, 2010


Not a ton has happened since my last post but I thought I'd post about my Spring Break Part 2 trip to Saint George. Since my Spring Break was at a different time from everyone else in my family AND preschool, I got to celebrate twice. John and I had class all week so we drove down Friday afternoon and met Ester, Scott, my dad, Chris, Jen and their kids. We stayed at a condo belonging to Scott's grandparents which was really fun. We didn't do a whole lot except eat and sleep but that's exactly what I needed! My favorite part of the trip, aside from the food and company, was going to the Sand Dunes. We had a blast! Though my 2+ hours of vacuuming my car proved in vain since we were all covered with red sand on the drive home. Overall it was a great trip!


  1. Cute pics liv! I love the one of you and your niece and nephew- that is freakin hilarious!

  2. Haha thanks Mad! They are a hoot!
