Saturday, October 20, 2012

Everyone's A Little Bit Racist

I'm not one to endorse the musical Avenue Q, but I've always thought this song was pretty funny, and it reminds me of of my 3rd graders at Edith Bowen.  Let me explain...

Every week in class we have a "Secret Agent of the Week".  They fill out a paper that is full of questions about them.  Then on Friday they read each question and the students get a chance to guess what the student of the week wrote for each answer.  Now, Edith Bowen isn't really....ethnically diverse.  The only diversity we have is one little boy who is of Chinese decent. (Trying to be PC here)  Anyway, this is how things went when it was his turn to be student of the week.

Question 1.
Student of the week: My favorite food is....
Student A: Sushi!
Student of the week: No...
Student B: Tiny spicy chicken!
Student of the week:!!

Question 2:
Student of the week: If I could go anywhere on my secret mission I would go to...
Student C: Hong Kong!
Student of the week: No...
Student D: Japan!
Student of the week: No...Lego Land!

Question 3:
Student of the week: If I could learn more about one subject in school it would be...
Student E: Chinese!
Student of the week: Nope...
Student F: Oragami!
Student of the week:!

Anyway, that is just a sample of the responses we got.  Such a funny conversation.  Guess it's true...everyone's a little bit racist!