Sunday, July 18, 2010

I've decided...

I've decided that I have the most handsome fiance in the world. I actually have always known this to be true, but had it affirmed to me numerous times last night at the opera. John and I were invited by my dad to attend a gala/fundraiser dinner at Elements that was really fancy. So...I put on my fanciest dress and John borrowed my dad's tux. It was so much fun to show him off all night. I had random old ladies come tell me how handsome he was all night long. :) He was even given a "shoutout" from Miss Adelaide during one of her songs. Anyway, it was a fun night.

The last week was a rough one. I had my surgery Monday and felt pretty great that evening. The next morning I started to feel the effects of the knife and it progressively got worse throughout the week. Tonight is the first night I have felt pretty decent. Hopefully that means I'm on the uphill slope!

John and I get our formals taken tomorrow and I CANNOT wait! We picked out his tux yesterday and he is going to look so sharp. I'm also, of course, excited to wear my dress. Still need to figure out the hair situation. But wedding preparations are coming along nicely. I need to remember to step back and take in this wonderful time. I realize how easily I get caught up in planning and forget to just enjoy myself.

Anyway, life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I remember that dress!
    Still looks SMashing on you pretty girl!
