Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ok I have been terrible about updating this thing since school started.  I am up to my eyes in school and homework so John and I have done very little worth updating (unless you count the day I cleaned my carpets).  Anyway, yesterday was a special day.  John is in charge of Valentine's Day so he knew he'd have to plan something good.  On Monday (Feb. 13th) he went shopping and let me know that he wanted Valentine's Day to last for 24 hours this year so we needed to start celebrating that night.  I think this was a sneaky way to get me to open my gifts ;).  Anyway, he gave me some beautiful pink roses and two darling shirts.  He seriously has the best taste!  We were both busy until Wednesday evening so we didn't do anything fun til then.  He made me dinner consisting of lasagna, garlic bread, salad, sparkling cider and key lime pie for dessert!  We ate, then rented the dumbest romance movie we could think of (one of the Twilight movies), which was good for a laugh if anything.  It was so nice to just have the night to ourselves and think about how lucky we are to have each other!  I couldn't be more blessed!

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