Friday, February 19, 2010

The Joys of Diabetes

I am dedicating this blog to my blood and its lack of glucose at the moment. Though eating is one of my passions, dragging myself out of bed to raise my blood sugar when I am exhausted and not hungry just isn't the same. But, I decided this would be a good time for a blog post since I'll be up for a bit.

This week has been extremely hard for me. My grandpa Israelsen became ill and passed away in just a few days. I have always had an extremely hard time with goodbyes. Even saying goodbye to someone who I know I will see in a few days is hard on me. Maybe it has something to do with experiencing the deaths of many loved ones growing up, I'm not sure. That being said, it was heartbreaking to me to say my goodbyes to a man I love so dearly. I guess I felt there weren't words enough to express to him how much I love him and anything I would say would just sound silly.

I have been blessed to have many good examples in my life, two of them being my grandfathers. Both were as close to perfect as I think humanly possible. When I think about my handsome grandpa Lyle I think about his sense of humor. I will always remember him telling me to carry around a big stick to scare off "all the boys" or his latest crack about Hillary Clinton. :) I could always count on Grandpa to have a new side-splitting joke everytime I was blessed enough to be in his presence. I've never met anyone with such a witty sense of humor.

And oh how he loved my grandma! Though I didn't know them as newlyweds, I don't think it's possible that they were more in love then than they are now. My grandma has so many cute stories about Grandpa. One of my favorites is how she moved the buttons on his military uniform out over the years so he always thought he was still the same size he had been years before. Or how he would sing "their song" to her as they lay in bed at night. I hope when it comes time for me to choose a husband I will choose as well as my grandma did. It breaks my heart that they aren't together anymore but it makes me so grateful for the Plan of Salvation.

Grandpa is such an example to me. He was patriotic, strong, funny, handsome, selfless, romantic, sweet, loving, strong in the church and everything I hope to be someday. I am blessed, and so honored to be an Israelsen. I am grateful to have spent 19 wonderful years with him and hope to live my life in a way that will enable me to live with him again someday. I can't think of anything that could make me happier than to hear another good Obama joke from my grandpa Lyle. I love and miss him so but I know he is happy building us a great big cabin to create more memories in! :)


  1. I love how this started off as an ode to diabetes and ended up being a beautiful tribute to grandma and grandpa and their true love story.

  2. Well...Grandpa was Diabetic right...? Or did they decide he wasn't...? My train of thought is a long, winding one.
