Thursday, May 6, 2010

One more final!

One more final left and I am FREE! I finished my STAT 1040 final and I'm waiting for my Physics one to begin. I don't know where the time went! I swear this semester just started. I'm not complaining though! Last weekend was a fun one. John and I went on our first REAL date in a long time. Most weekends consist of eating at Bajio's and watching movies at my house. This time he planned out a date for us which was really fun for me. I'd missed that. He told me to wear long socks but no coat so I was pretty confused about what we were doing. He also said that we were doing something semi-active and that there would be other people there but some of them would not be participating in our activity. I was confused. Anyway, we ended up going roller blading at the Fun Park which was great. I hadn't been skating there since I was little. I hadn't been skating PERIOD since I was little. Aside from a couple of bruised ribs from slamming into the brick wall I did pretty good. We also played arcades and won a slap bracelet and a little green popper thing. Then we had dinner at El Sol and played a board game with Ester and Scott. Turned out to be a great night. :)

Preschool graduation is coming up which I'm excited for. The kids have been practicing so hard on their songs and sign language for the program. I hope all goes as planned but that isn't exactly likely with 16 hyper 4 year olds :) I'm really going to miss these kids this year. For some reason I have grown a lot more attached with this class than my classes in the past. They are definitely a handful, but lots of fun. Hopefully some of them will come back for summer camps!
I also got a cute new headband form my sister that I had to post a picture of because I love it so much! .... John likes it too :)


  1. You guys are too cute together! Just had to say it!!
    Love ya!

  2. Brayden is sure going to miss you after next week!! I think we should still hang out sometimes so he doesn't have to totally be with out his "teacher Olivia"! :)

  3. P.S. Melody Lane DOES have summer camps and I will be teaching them this summer! YAY!

  4. Oh my goodness I don't know what I'll do without his cute little face in my life 3 days a week! Seriously he is the cutest kid! Yesterday he said he'd only sit at the story bench if he could sit on my lap. So cute!
