Monday, August 9, 2010

Dear Dish Network

why, oh why, oh WHY do you make life so difficult!? I have spent the last hour and a half looking for the remote control to the basement TV and cannot find it anywhere. Why on EARTH are your remotes not compatible with more than one TV? I have three remotes upstairs but that doesn't help me one bit because they won't even turn on the TV downstairs. *sigh* Also, whose brilliant idea was it to make it so you can't watch anything on Dish Network unless you have a remote?! Pretty sure this is just adding to the laziness of the American people. Alas, my dreams of catching up on my DVRed episodes of Top Chef have been shattered. :(

P.S. This is actually a picture of my sister Ester but I thought the look on her face and clenched fist fit this post nicely.


  1. Olivia, this is Erica "Boston". And I felt the need to comment on your blog. Hope it doesn't creep you out. But I think we feel the same about our reality tv shows. But don't fret, Top Chef hasn't been too outstanding the past couple of weeks. It's still one of the world's great reality shows...I can "ruin" it for you if you'd like to know any details. Good luck finding the remote ;)

  2. Erica! I had to watch it in my parents room. HA! Congrats for reading my invisible blog. I always forget to change the font color so it is readable.

  3. haha i love it- so ridiculously true. ahh technology. :)
