Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Wahoo! Down to the last 10 days as a single woman! I can't believe our engagement has gone by so quickly!

We are down to the last week and a half and still have a lot to do. I am mostly stressed to get our apartment ready for us to move in. Today John and I went and purchased paint for the bedroom and kitchen. Since John just started his new job he works from 2-10 PM so I'll be doing the painting myself. (I'll post pictures later) I'm really excited to get it all finished up and move in. Yesterday when we went to move some shower gifts in we smelled mold in our little apartment which I was not thrilled about. Our landlord said that they've never had a mold problem before so I'm heading over there now to check out the smell situation.

My sister and her husband took some fun formal pictures of us a few weeks ago. We were excited to get all dressed up again (or at least I was) and help them build their portfolio. For some reason blogspot isn't letting me upload pictures today so I'll post a few of my favorites tomorrow. :)

Tried to return some stuff to Bed Bath and Beyond today. It's not that I don't love wire whisks, but I've decided that 9 is a little excessive!

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