Friday, October 8, 2010

Busy busy busy!

Time for another update! Life is so busy! I never thought I could be so busy and still be alive. Every day is about the same for me. I wake up before John, get out of bed (SO much harder to do when my husband gets to sleep) go to practicum, go to class, take John dinner, go to class, do homework, clean, pick John up, take a shower, go to bed...repeat. Luckily I am enjoying my classes. It's fun to finally be learning things that I will actually use in my career!!!

Being married is awesome. I'm glad that I at least get to spend an hour or two with my husband every night before I go to sleep. I can't wait for the day when I am done with school and can at least have time to cook him dinner. Since every day is pretty much the same I don't have much to report on. However, our dog has been taking over our apartment. We were worried at first that she would have a hard time adjusting. Boy were we wrong. If you are sitting or lying on the couch you better not get up or she will move right in and take your spot. And don't think she won't growl at you if you try to move her. Every night this week I have had to pick her up and move her to the end of the bed because she thinks she owns it. She will lie right in the center of the bed so John and I have to share one half so we won't squish her. Last night I actually told John to move because I was getting squished by him and the dog. Guess we know who is in charge in our family!!!

We also got a TV. The day it arrived was probably the best day of John's life (aside from our wedding I hope). Pretty sure he didn't think of anything else for a week! It has been nice for me to be able to turn on the tv while I'm cleaning. I get pretty freaked out at our apartment after dark.

I also cut 16 inches of my beautiful hair off a few weeks ago. Why? I have no idea. I'm considering taking prenatal vitamins... I hear they make hair grow faster?

Wow that's about it! Life is so great and I am so blessed to have such wonderful opportunities to go to school and have an amazing husband. :)


  1. Oh Liv, this sounds SO familiar. Last year Burke and I were both going to school full time and working full time. I would get up at 5:45, leave for work at 6:45, leave work for school at 3:30, be in class until 8:30, come home and cook dinner for Burke who would get home at 9:00, try and do some homework and crash at 10:30! I was so sad the first few months because I felt like we never saw each other. But now we get about 3 hours together - hooray! :) It will pass.

  2. Please post a picture of yourself so I can see your new haircut!! I am very curious to see.
    The girls go off track this week. We are hoping to take a trip up to Cache Valley during the next few weeks. If we do I'll let you know so we could meet up.
