Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Little Things

I feel like such a bad person and terrible wife.  I have been so frustrated with John lately for not helping me out, listening to me or paying enough attention to me.  I'm ornery every day because I spend every waking moment studying, cooking and cleaning and I just can't keep up with it all.  When I came home from class today I found a copy of the new Our Best Bites cookbook that I have been excited about for months but we haven't had money for me to buy it, a sweet card AND our apartment was cleaned.  I need to be better at looking for the little things that John does for me so he doesn't have to do big things like that to show me he cares.  I love him.  He loves me.  That's the most important thing.  Not that he takes out the garbage the first time I ask.  I need to be happy when he takes it out after the 15th time.  I have him to come home to at night so I am the luckiest girl in the world.


  1. Jason is definitely a "little things" guy. You are not alone. Haha...it took Jason like a long time to realize that sometimes I just need him to be spontaneous with his love gestures...basically I was just wanting him to read my mind and know when I was feeling down or neglected, or whatever. And I have become the master at leaving hints. And not subtle ones. He's getting better at picking up on them too. :)

  2. Just imagine having to tell yourself to take out the garbage 15 times, 'cause no one else is gonna do it for me! ;) I like how you are continually making an effort to make you the best you. :)John is a lucky man!
