Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sad Day

Today is a sad day.  My brother sent me a text this morning saying that Jerry Sloan was resigning as head coach of the Jazz.  I couldn't believe it.  Now, as I sit here watching the press conference announcing that it is true I feel so much respect for Sloan.  He has been the head coach for the Jazz since before I was born.  Isn't that crazy?  I am lucky to be in a family that is close with the Larry Miller family so the Jazz have always been near and dear to my heart.  I have seen a lot of negative comments on facebook etc about Sloan, the Millers, D-Will etc and I just  can't believe that some people have the nerve to disrespect one of the most respected NBA coaches of all time. It makes me bubble up inside with anger but instead of commenting back to those idiots, I will write this blog.  And pay tribute to a wonderful man and coach.  Though he is leaving the team in the middle of the season he has his reasons and I hope people will eventually respect that.  Let's be grateful for what he has done the last 26 years and  place our trust in Ty Corbin to coach our team the way he feels is best.  Respect Big J.  Respect.

P.S. You should read my little brother's blog.  I think I'm the only one who knows about it right now

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