Day 5: Your favorite quote
Hm...favorite quote? I guess a favorite quote is one that you remember regularly and apply to your life right? If that is the case my favorite quote is one my dad has used often during my life, "Never let school stand in the way of your education". He usually would say it as a joke to my teachers when he was about to take me out of school for an extended trip or something, but I think about it often. He always advises me to not focus to much on grades. (Apparently when my mom was in high school she worried so much about being valedictorian that she didn't have as much fun as she should have, according to my dad) I think this quote has been especially important to me during my time at USU. I LOVE learning. I hate grades. I find that the classes I do best in are the ones that I learn the least in. Interesting right? I think I am so focused on cramming information into my head for tests that I forget to actually learn it. Since I am approaching the final stretch of my university career I am getting into classes that are difficult, but rewarding. I love learning things that I will actually use sometime in my career. (So much better than Chem 1010 or Stats) To me this quote is also about looking for learning experiences outside of school. I have tried to do this in the last year and think I have benefited from it. Learning new skills, reading interesting articles or even just doing silly brain puzzles are so much more beneficial to me as a person than watching mindless TV shows. Anyway, that is my quote.
Today was the first day of a new semester. Ugh. John and I both woke up feeling sick so I actually missed my first two classes but luckily pulled myself together and made it to the last two. It is going to be a tough semester. Luckily I won't be doing practicum so I will have a little more time. It was nice to be done with class in time to make John a home cooked meal. Hopefully I can keep it up. John made a New Year's resolution to not eat out during the week. So far we have done pretty good. We only ate out one night and it was when I was too sick to cook. Pretty good. I feel like a much better wife when I cook for him. :)
I love that quote! Thanks for sharing it, Liv. :)