Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 9

Today is a happy day.'s Friday.  Second...Monday is a holiday.  Third...John is taking a half day at work to take me on a date.  Sounds silly but it totally makes my whole day.  I can count the number of real dates we've been on since our wedding on one hand.  (More like a couple of fingers) So I'm excited.

Day 9: A picture you took.

I chose this picture because well...I took it.  Also, because after walking miles (literally) all over campus today in the snow it is hard for me to believe that the sun ever shines in Logan.  This picture is proof that it is possible to sit on green grass, in the sun, on campus.  I might need to print this out and take it with me to school to remember that there is light at the end of the wintery tunnel!


  1. Husband and wife dates are the BEST! :) Enjoy!

  2. i LOVE this pic!! It just ooozes happiness and warmth! And I love that I just used the word Oooze. I don't think I've ever done that...haha
